A local mom warns of the deadly nature of combining prescription drugs with alcohol after losing her son.
Episode Details

Genny Soper lost her son one night in what she calls "an accident that was completely avoidable." Clay had just finished his freshman year of college and was at a party. He texted his mom to say he was going to stay the night and even joked with his friends as he put himself to bed. However, Clay never woke up. He and his friends had taken prescription drugs with alcohol, and this combination took Clay's life. His friends never dreamed something like this could happen and were determined to make sure others were made aware of the dangers. They talked with Clay's family about making a film.

"If They Had Known" chronicles the night Clay died from the perspective of his friends and family members, and it contains interviews with experts in the field of youth substance use. Genny and her family have made it their mission to see that this film is shown in high schools and colleges across the country to ensure that the risks of combining prescription drugs with alcohol are made known.

Learn more about the film and the Soper family's organization's mission at claysopermemorialfund.com.

Episode cover art for A local mom warns of the deadly nature of combining prescription drugs with alcohol after losing her son.