The Principal of a recovery high school in Boston talks about their innovative program.
Episode Details

Roger Oser has been the principal of the William J. Ostiguy High School in Boston for the past 17 years, incorporating his extensive background working with youth to his role. Ostiguy High is a recovery high school that was founded by Willie Ostiguy, who is a previous guest on this podcast. The school provides a safe and supportive school environment for young people who want to make a positive change in their relationship with drugs and alcohol.

The school works closely with school districts to provide a variety of interventions for students who are struggling. The landscape of addiction is always changing, once it was opioids and now it is marijuana, but the need remains the same. Roger and the rest of the staff at Ostiguy High work hard to help young people achieve their goals and guide them on the right track for a bright and healthy future.

Episode cover art for The Principal of a recovery high school in Boston talks about their innovative program.